Monday, July 21, 2008

Tips for Living Green


1. Turn off your tap. While brushing your teeth, remember to turn off the faucet.

2. Unplug! Pull out cords for cell-phone chargers, microwaves and other "occasional" appliances when not in use. Yes, even your cell phone charge uses up energy when plugged in.

3. Ditch paper napkins. An elegant way to conserve, cloth napkins save both kinds of green (that's money and trees). Wash in cold water and line-dry for bonus points.

4. Stop unwanted catalogues! Go to and they will handle it all for you.

5. Buy local produce. You are supporting the local economy and reducing fuel consumption. It takes a lot of gas to ship fruits and veggies!

6. Try the Method line available at Target. Eco-friendly products are people-friendly products!

7. Turn down the thermostat. Doing so not only conserves fuel and money (even a couple of degrees counts), but studies show it may also help you fall asleep more quickly and have a more restful night once you do.

8. Use Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs.

9. Use a new McKee Grocery tote when shopping. Save any plastic bags you do get for pet cleanup.

10. Recycle and re-use recycled paper.

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